Parents and carers

Code of conduct for parents and carers

Note: Where we refer to ‘parents’ we mean parents and carers inclusively. The term ‘children’ or ‘child’ describes any person aged 18 or under

As a parent of a child taking part in our club or activity, we’d like you to:

The essentials

✓- make sure your child has the right kit for the session as well as enough food and drink

✓ try to make sure your child arrives to sessions on time and is picked up promptly; or

let us know if you’re running late or if your child is going home with someone else

✓Be available to collect your child as soon as practicable if requested by the staff for any reason

✓ complete all consent, contact and medical forms and update us straight away if anything changes

✓ make sure your child wears any protective kit we provide for them and has short nails with hair tied back

✓ maintain a good relationship with your child’s coach or trainer 

✓ talk to us if you have any concerns about any part of your child’s involvement or health and well being – we want to hear from you 


✓ Try and learn about your child’s sport and what it means to them

✓ take the time to talk to your child about what you both want to achieve through sport

✓ remember that children get a wide range of benefits from participating in sport, like making friends, getting exercise and developing skills. It’s not all about wins and losses

✓ listen when your child says they don’t want to do something

✓ behave positively on the sidelines – shout encouragement, say “Well done” and let your children know you’re proud of what they’re doing

✓ think about how the way you react and behave affects not just your child but other children too

✓ encourage your child to respect and celebrate difference in the club

✓ lead by example when it comes to positive behaviour on the sidelines; or let other parents take their cues from you, as well as from us

✓ accept the official’s judgment and do not enter the field of play

✓ use social media responsibly when talking about what goes on at our club, by behaving in the same way online as you would in person

✓ talk to your child about embracing good etiquette and sportsmanship

✓ encourage your child to play by the rules

✓ ensure that your child understands their code of conduct

As a parent, we understand you have the right to:

✓be assured that your child is safeguarded during their time with us

✓see any of our policies and procedures at any time

✓know who the welfare officer responsible for your child is and have their contact details

✓be involved and contribute towards decisions within the club or activity

✓know what training and qualifications our staff have – provided on request 

✓be informed of problems or concerns relating to your child

✓know what happens if there’s an accident or injury, be informed if your child is injured and see records of any accidents

✓have your consent sought for anything outside of our initial consent form, such as

permission to go on trips or photography

✓have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s welfare listened to and responded to

We expect all parents to follow the behaviours and requests set out in this code. If any parent behaves in a way which contradicts any of the points set out above, we’ll address the problem straight away with the parent and aim to resolve the issue.

Persistent concerns or breaches may result in parents being asked not to attend games if their attendance is considered a risk to the welfare and enjoyment of young participants.

Continued issues and repeated breaches of this code may result in us regrettably asking your child to leave the activity, event or club permanently, something we never want to do .