You can find the club mitigation plan if you click here.
The club risk assessment you can find here.
Covid Officer Update March 2022
Here is the latest guidance:
Please contact the Covid officer at with any queries
There are a number of FAQ which can be seen via this link
In addition please note the following main updates;
Update 1: Face Coverings
It is now a requirement to wear a face covering indoors in many indoor public spaces but they are not required when exercising. Children under 11 and anyone with a health condition or disability meaning they can’t wear a face covering is exempt from this law.
In indoor settings where a face covering is not legally required, we strongly encourage you to continue wearing a face covering particularly in crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with other people you do not normally meet. This means that we highly recommend that coaches and spectators wear masks indoors.
Some venues may also require you to wear masks indoors as part of their risk mitigation planning.
Update 2: Sanitisation.
Sanitisation remains a critical element to help tackle the transmission of the virus, with regular sanitisation of hands and equipment required at all netball activity.
Further details on what do do if you test positive can be found here.
Guidance on when you need to stay home and self-isolate can be found here.
Some additional links for Covid Information. AJNC do not require Health Screening Documents at training as our Club Waiver covers this point along with covering the England Netball recommended Opt In guidance. – link for NHS TEST AND TRACE IN NETBALL PROTOCOL – link for NHS COVID INFORMATION GOVERNMENT GUIDANCE FOR TRAVEL / PASSENGERS
Following on from the Government announcement on the 19th July 21 re the lifting of Covid 19 restrictions netball has moved into Stage 4 of the roadmap previously posted
Detailed guidance as per the attached links has been supplied by England Netball in conjunction with Government Guidelines
A brief overview provided to TMS is as follows;
We all need to be aware playing netball does come with risks
Rule modifications of game play can now cease but coaches can elect to continue as it will have a knock on effect on isolating as without modifications a positive case within 48 hours of a match or training will require full teams and coaches to isolate for 10 days. We have elected as a club to do this in the Ball Hall league
That changes on 16th August when u18 and double vaccinated parties are not required to self isolate but are required to do a PCR
Tournaments can recommence . Modified game play is advised for these along with lft (lateral flow test ) pre tournament and again as a club we have ensured this is the case
Rates in netball are moderately low with the modified rules
We need and are aware that we need a careful return programme for those who haven’t played for a while. Fitness levels will be lower so warm up and cool down Important
No.limit on length of time playing and training or in how many games played in a day.
Spectators are allowed but social Distancing is advised and Masks required indoors
Sanitise hands and all equipment before, during and after play plus wash shared bibs in-between matches
Don’t share water bottles
Advised to ask you to use NHS test and Trace App but this is not mandatory.
Try and establish one way systems into and out of venues.
Hand hygiene and social Distancing strongly advised
EN advise bi weekly lft to protect players
Car share allowed following government guidance
We are constantly monitoring the Guidelines and how it affects play and will share via TMs where applicable

EN have also issued Video recordings
Venue operational procedures and risk assessment will be communicated to all attendees by e mail prior to play. In short arrive at designated time, complete screening questionnaire with temperature check and Test and Trace ie register which will be kept in accordance with GDPR, sanitise ball and hands.
Meet coaches who will guide and ensure all the rules and modifications are adhered to – ie equipment to be sanitised every 15 mins, no bib sharing unless patches which can be sanitised and do not pass to each other but put on floor, maintain social distancing. Full details in guidance above.,
Post session please leave promptly and ensure you continue to wash hands and sanitise equipment Maintain social distancing
No players to attend training or matches if they or close contacts have Covid 19 symptoms. Any positive cases in 48 hours post netball need to be reported to NHS Test and Trace and please advise Covid Officer
Thank you everyone and lets just go and enjoy netball once again